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Creating calm in chaos

When the world is upside down and there’s so much suffering and turmoil, it’s easy to feel helpless, lost, and anxious.

However, this is not a message of helplessness. Or fear. Or shame for not “doing enough.” Or a threat that you’re not compassionate “enough.”

This loveletter is simply a call for your HEART TO OPEN.

A call for your heart TO AWAKEN.

A call for your kindness to pour out of you. Even when you want to say something unkind.

This letter today is a reminder to amplify simple joys and tiny miracles to take over your day.

A bird at your window? A sip of hot coffee? A sparkle of sunlight dancing against the wall? A deep breath of fresh air? Are these not miracles to celebrate?!

This letter is your invitation to let your laughter echo back to your ears in your living room while you’re creating your own dance party— as stress relief or sanity maintenance.

YES. You’re allowed to dance. YES. You’re allowed to smile.


You can express pure joy, and bliss, and throw back the curtains and sing to the stars, and bring your bare feet to the frozen earth and squeal, and soak in a hot salt bath AND you can simultaneously still care for what’s happening on this planet.

Your daily joy doesn’t diminish your daily compassion for others who are in suffering.

This is your permission slip to see what’s around you that is precious, and to be grateful.

I request your courage to abandon negative outcomes, and instead practice holding the highest vision for peace.

We already know our thoughts create our words, and create our reality. We have the power to curb our thoughts from going to worst-case scenarios, and instead, focus on what we desire. PEACE. 

What does peace look like? What does it feel like? What does it feel like in your heart right now? What would peace look like in your home? In your neighborhood? At the grocery store?

And how will YOU contribute to being a harbinger of PEACE?

Can you direct your attention to peace today, instead of to the viral words and images that bring about sadness and fear?

How can you honor what’s happening on this earth AND simultaneously remember who you are, and the joy you bring to those around you, and the joy in your own heart?

You can be the joy-filled change.

We are EACH powerful because we have the ability to LOVE. We are born in love, and have the power to remind OTHERS of their power of love. It’s free.

From my perspective, if the world needs more love and unity right now, let’s be that change. It’s not too small. It’s not too insignificant.

And it will ripple in ways you cannot fathom.

If you’ve read this far, I think you’ll love Gabby Bernstein’s guidance in this quick little 3 minute video, as she shows us a pathway to peace in just FOUR small words. You can do it ANYWHERE and it takes seconds, and it helps me in these times, too. Take a look: https://youtu.be/eiLWO9jOTao

I hope these words comfort you and encourage you to BE THE PEACE you wish to see.

To a positive vision and prayer of calm today,



Would you like to go deeper, and do you want additional support in these times?

I’m now accepting new clients for 1-on-1 transformational coaching, as well as applications for a new GROUP COACHING program I’m creating.

CLICK HERE to learn more & apply!

Cover Photo by Aleksandr Ledogorov on Unsplash